Current Undergraduate Students

Policies and Rules for Undergraduate Students



NOTHING IS AUTOMATIC AT UCI - YOU, the student, must initiate all adds, drops, and grade changes to your class schedule or transcript. You - not your faculty or academic counselors - are responsible for ensuring that your academic record is correct.

You have access to your quarterly study list and UCI transcript at all times through StudentAccess. Check your study list on Student Access before classes begin to check for any changes to your schedule.

You are also responsible for checking your transcript each quarter.  You can pick up a student copy of your transcript from the Registrar’s Office or access your record through StudentAccess. Be aware of all deadlines by checking the Academic Calendar on the Registrar’s website.

Staying in Good Standing

  • Maintain a quarterly and overall GPA of 2.0 or above.
  • Make academic progress in your major and General Education requirements
  • Courses for School and major requirements MUST be taken for a letter grade (unless noted as a P/NP class only).
  • Check your Degree Works on Student Access to ensure you are on track for graduation
  • Meet with an advisor to make sure you are on track, or if you have any questions about your academic plans.


Academic Honesty

Per the UCI Senate, “Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at the University of California, Irvine. Cheating, forgery, dishonest conduct, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest activities erode the University’s educational, research, and social roles.”

Students found committing acts of dishonesty may be dismissed from the university.  

Academic Notice

Students may be placed on academic notice, an academic recovery plan, or may be academically disqualified from the university for a number of reasons (ex. GPA, lower-division writing, lack of normal progress, etc.).  Below are some resources to help notice/contract/disqualified students.

Readmission Policy for Disqualified Students

Writing an Effective Appeal Letter

Academic Resources

Change of Major

Current UCI students interested in adding a major in the Arts or changing to an Arts major should first review the Change of Major requirements.

You can submit a Change of Major request on StudentAccess if the Change of Major criteria has been met for Art and Drama majors. For interested Dance and Music majors, please visit one of our academic counselors in the Arts Student Affairs office, 101 MAB for audition information and course planning.


Enrollment Deadlines

Add/Drop Policies and Deadlines

UC Irvine Add and Drop Policies

• Students may ADD or DROP a course through 5:00 p.m. on Friday of the second week of classes



  • YOU – not faculty or staff – must initiate all adds/drops/changes to your class schedule, transcript, etc. 
  • Do not expect to be automatically dropped from a class for failure to attend.
  • Be sure to check your Study List before the end of Week 2 to ensure it is correct.

The instructor of the class as well as the academic unit in which the course is offered may specify a different deadline; please check the comments section on WebSOC for more information.

An exception to the above policies may only be requested for extenuating and documented circumstances outside the student's control. Examples of extenuating circumstances include: death in the immediate family, severe illness, car accident, etc. Requests will not be considered if submitted for any of the following reasons:

  • The student did not know the deadlines, or did not understand the Add/Drop process
  • The course is not required to meet Major, School, or University requirements
  • The student did not meet the proper prerequisites for the course
  • The student is receiving a poor grade because of difficulties with the course material or is under a heavy course/work load

Submit an Enrollment Exception Request via Student Access under "Applications" --> "Enrollment Exceptions."  No Enrollment Exception Requests may be submitted after Week 10.


How to Add or Drop a Class




Weeks 1-2

  • Use WebReg to add or drop courses
  • Courses listed on the Schedule of Classes with a B or X restriction require an authorization code from the instructor

Weeks 3-10

  • Submit request via Student Access. Exceptions to add or drop courses require approval from the Academic Advising office of the school offering the course. Documentation regarding extenuating circumstances must be provided to MAB 101
  • Courses listed on the Schedule of Classes with a B or X restriction require an authorization code from the instructor
  • There is a $3 fee for all transactions made after the 2nd week of classes

  • If permitted to drop a class after the 6th week, a W will be recorded on your transcript


How to Change the Grading Option




Before Friday of Week 2

  • Use WebReg
  • Courses listed on the Schedule of Classes with a B or X restriction require an authorization code from the instructor

Weeks 3-6

  • Submit request via Student Access
  • No documentation is required before the end of Week 6

Deadline to Change Grading Option

Weeks 7-10

  • Approval from the Academic Advising office of the school offering the course required.  Documentation of extenuating circumstances is required for such an exception to be considered. Submit request in Student Access

After Week 10

  • It is too late to change the grading option

SAVE ALL RECEIPTS - They are needed as proof of your transactions should an error appear on your transcript. Be sure to read the transaction record for accuracy before you leave the Registrar’s window. Keep the record until you see the change reflected on your transcript at the end of the quarter.

For further information on Enrollment Exceptions, please visit the following website:

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Fee Payment

Be sure to pay fees before the fee deadline (listed in the Fees Section at Check your ZOTBILL online for your account balance before the beginning of every quarter. Failure to pay fees by the deadline will result in your being dropped from ALL registered classes. 

LAB FEES: Some Arts classes may require students to pay a lab fee. Please be advised that lab fees are charged to a student's ZotBill account at the end of Week 2 and are NOT included with the general registration fees. Failure to pay lab fees on time will result in late fees and restrictions to campus services.



Grade Options

Grade Options- Pass/Not Pass, Incomplete, No Report

Pass / Not Pass

All courses in your major MUST be taken for letter grades. Students are permitted to take General Education or non-major elective classes P/NP. A student in good standing may take up to 4 units of P/NP each quarter. Read the section on Grades in the UCI General Catalogue.

Incomplete Grades

The grade Incomplete (I) may be assigned when a student's work is of passing quality but is incomplete for good cause. The student must make arrangements with their instructor to complete the coursework within a period of no more than 12 months following the term in which the grade Incomplete was originally awarded, or prior to the end of the quarter immediately preceding award of the degree, whichever comes first. The instructor is not obligated to allow the maximum time period. The student should not re-enroll in the course to make up the Incomplete.   An "I" (Incomplete) grade will automatically turn into an "F" or "NP" within one year of the Incomplete being assigned, or at graduation (whichever comes first).

NR (No Report) Grades

The Registrar will assign an NR when a final grade is not submitted by the instructor. NRs may be removed within one quarter or changed to a grade by the instructor provided a clerical or procedural error has occurred. The student's NR becomes a final grade of F, NP, or U (depending on which grade option the student enrolled under) after one quarter of subsequent attendance.



Graduation- Applying for Graduation, Commencement, Transcript & Diplomas

GRADUATION is not automatic. You must file an Application for Graduation online in Student Access at least two quarters in advance of the quarter in which you expect to graduate.  Submit an application when you have at least 120 units of cumulative credit.  If you do not submit a graduation application by the end of Winter Quarter, you may not be able to order Commencement tickets and your name will not appear in the Commencement program.

If you need to make changes:
If you have already submitted your Application for Graduation, you must contact us to request the change (change the term of intended graduation, add or delete a minor).  In addition to completing all of the courses required for your degree, you must meet the following requirements:

Unit requirement:
You must have credit for a minimum of 180 quarter units.

GPA requirements: 
You must have a 2.0 GPA overall, a 2.0 GPA in your major, and 2.0 GPA in the upper-division courses in your major.

Senior Residency:
At least 36 of the final 45 units completed by a student for the bachelor’s degree must be earned in residence at the UCI campus.  The Claire Trevor School of the Arts will allow exceptions to this rule for students enrolled in the Education Abroad Program, the UCDC Academic Internship Program, or the UC Center Sacramento Scholar Intern Program.

Commencement Ceremony

Students graduating in Fall, Winter or Spring may participate in the Commencement Ceremony for Spring of the academic year in which they graduate.  Students graduating in Summer may choose to participate in the previous year’s ceremony or wait until the following year (note that any departmental or Latin honors will appear in the Commencement program for the following year).

Academic Regalia:
For cap & gown orders, go to the Alumni Association’s website.


Degrees are noted on official transcripts approximately seven weeks after the end of the quarter in which they are awarded.  Academic transcripts may be ordered from the Registrar’s Office.

Diplomas will be available approximately four months after the quarter in which the degree was awarded.  The Registrar’s Office will notify you by mail when your diploma is available.  For more information, visit the Registrar’s website.

Upon graduation, academic records are final (may not be changed).  It is your responsibility to check the accuracy of your academic record before you graduate.



For more information on the departmental honors in Art, Drama, and Music, please visit the course catalogue and see requirements listed for your major, or contact your department.  Latin Honors (Summa, Magna, Cum Laude) at graduation will be awarded based on cumulative records at the end of the final quarter in Spring; students must have earned at least 72 units in residence at UCI, and have no record of any academic dishonesty.  According to the University policy, we may only nominate the top 16% of the entire graduating class to receive Latin honors.


Part-Time Study

Students may petition for part-time study if, for reasons of employment, family responsibilities, or health are not able to carry the full course load of 12 units. The enrollment system restricts enrollment for part-time students to no more than 10 units per quarter. Students approved for part-time status are eligible for a 50 percent reduction in the Tuition Fees.  All documentation verifying one of the above reasons must be submitted to the Arts Student Affairs Office in MAB 101 for approval.  Students must submit petitions for part-time study to the Registrar's office no later than 5:00 PM on Friday of Week 3. 

Employment - Students must be employed a minimum of 20 hours per week to qualify. 

Family responsibilities - Submit your dependent’s birth certificate(s). If caring for a member of the family for medical reasons: provide documentation from the family member's doctor identifying you (the student) as the primary caregiver and describing the care and duration of care you are providing.

Health/Medical - If you have a medical condition, bring verification from your doctor recommending that you take a reduced course load because of your serious or sustained illness or injury.

If you are in your final quarter before graduation, you may apply for part-time study if you have a received graduation application on file. Part-time final quarter approval may be granted only once. 



Submit the Undergraduate Student Petition online to request course substitutions, waive the UCI residency requirement, or request any general exceptions. Please attach an unofficial transcript and/or a syllabus if you are petitioning a course substitution.

Students wishing to take courses at other colleges or universities should always consult with an academic counselor BEFORE registering at the other institution. Once you have enrolled at UCI, you may not take courses at any other college to satisfy any writing requirements. You may also access the articulation information between UCI and California community colleges by visiting



USE WEBREG to REGISTER: Login to WebReg to view your enrollment window. Enrollment windows are open for only 48 hours. Once your enrollment window closes, you may make changes to your schedule from 7:00pm-7:00am. ALWAYS check your course schedule before classes begin as your class times may have changed.

Undergraduate courses may NOT be repeated for credit, unless you have received a grade of NP, C- or below, or, if the course is listed as repeatable in the UCI General Catalogue. Make sure to read the section on grades in the UCI General Catalogue.


UC Writing Requirement

UC Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) 

The UC ELWR must be satisfied before the beginning of your fourth quarter of enrollment at UCI to avoid disqualification. Students required to take Academic English must complete the requirement before Writing 39A. You must start taking these classes your first quarter and each quarter after until you are qualified for Writing 39A.

We recommend that students complete their lower-division writing requirement as soon as possible. You must complete two lower-division writing courses before the beginning of your seventh quarter of enrollment at UCI.  Failure to do so may lead to academic probation.

Visit the Testing Center for more information on placement tests.



Withdrawal, Deassessment, Readmission, Disqualified Students

If you wish to withdraw from a quarter for which you have already paid fees or enrolled in classes, you must obtain the dean’s signature on a Cancellation/Withdrawal Petition, and submit the signed form to the Registrar’s Office.

If you decide to leave UCI and have not yet paid fees, you must notify the Registrar's Office of your intention so that you are not assessed fees for the following quarter or, if already assessed, the Billing System can "deassess" you.

It is strongly recommended that you meet with an Academic Counselor before deciding to withdraw from the university. Some things to consider before making a decision about withdrawing from the University:

  • Implications for Financial Aid and Housing
  • If you are away from UCI for more than one year, you will be held to the degree requirements in place at the time you are readmitted. For audition-based majors, you may have to re-audition for your major at the time of readmission


Readmission to UCI is NOT automatic.  If you have not attended UCI for a quarter or more, you must schedule an appointment with an Academic Counselor to be readmitted to the University.  If you are approved for readmission, a non-refundable $70 filing fee will be charged to your ZotBill.

Deadline to Apply for Readmission


May 1st


November 1st


February 1st

Disqualified Students:
If you have been disqualified from the University, you will be held to earlier deadlines and additional requirements. Please see an academic counselor for more details.