UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts Annual Open House 2016

UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts Annual Open House Presents a Backstage View to a World of Talent
Celebrate the Arts at the annual Trevor School Open House! The event is a rich palette of performances, which showcase the talents of the students and faculty. Art exhibitions, musical concerts, dance performances, dress rehearsals and more take place in various venues. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the productions as you tour practice and performance spaces. It is an exhilarating evening of food and festivities throughout our Arts campus. This event is free and open to the public.
5:30 – 8 p.m. Thursday, October 27, on the Claire Trevor School of the Arts Campus. Mesa Parking Structure Parking Lot (grid D3 on campus map: https://communications.uci.edu/documents/pdf/UCI_15_map_campus.pdf)
Media planning to attend should contact Jaime DeJong at 949-824-2189 or jdejong@uci.edu. Attendance and parking are complimentary for media who RSVP in advance.
Art Exhibitions, Open Rehearsals, Dance, Music, Theater and more
5:30 – 6 p.m.: Limon Repertory, Dance Studio 128 (DS 128)
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.: Hip Hop, Dance Studio 128 (DS 128)
5:30 – 8 p.m.: Open Art Galleries – Beall Center for Art + Technology, Contemporary Art Center Gallery, Room Gallery, University Art Gallery
Open Art Studios – Contemporary Art Center, 4th Floor; Arts, Culture and Technology Building, 2nd and 3rd Floor
Music in Motion – Telepresence Studio, Contemporary Arts Center Room 1102
Arts Plaza Main Stage – Bare Bones Dance Theater, Improv Revolution (iRev), Uniting Voices, UCI Bluegrass Duo, B-Boys Anonymous
Alumni Open Reception – Contemporary Arts Center Plaza
Jason Jones Trio – Contemporary Arts Center Plaza
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.: “New Slate” Dance Rehearsal, Dance Studio 128 (DS 128)
6:30 – 8 p.m.: Parade Theater Rehearsal, Claire Trevor Theatre;
Our Class Theater Rehearsal, PSTU 1110 (Studio 5)
7 – 8 p.m.: UCI Symphony Orchestra, Music and Media 220
Full Performance 7 – 9 p.m.: The Art of Performance in Irvine: Fallen Fruit, Experimental Media and Performance Lab (xMPL)
The annual open house hosts students, faculty, arts patrons, donors and potential students. Approximately 300+ enthusiasts attend each year. This year, over 100 students from Santa Ana High School will join the event as part of the Arts Outreach program. The event is hosted and run by the Dean’s Office as a way to showcase the campus and activities. A new addition of the Arts Plaza Main Stage provides an opportunity for student clubs to highlight their talents. Plenty of photo opportunities are available during live rehearsals and performances. For more information and a full schedule of events, visit www.arts.uci.edu/event/ctsa-open-house-2016.