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SoCal Sculptor Eric Johnson Brings Wood and Resin Masterpieces to Doyle Arts Pavilion

The work of second-genteration "Finish Fetish," or "L.A." Look," arist Eric Johnson, MFA, will be on view at Orange Coast College's Frank M. Doyle Arts Pavilion from February 8 until April 7 in an exhibit entitled "Helix2: Sculptures by Eric Johnson." Johnson - whose art combines shipwright-like woodworking with the resins of hot rods, aerospace industry, and surfboards, alll allusiions to his family history and youthful activities from the 1960s and 70 - is well-known in the art world for large-scale sculptues that incorporate elements of mathematics, biology, physics and cosmology. "Helix2"  is curated by former OCC art instructor and alumus Tom Dowling.